Have you ever heard of 600d yarn? It's a special type of is very strong and durable. The "600d" part of the actual name refers towards the thickness associated with the yarn. The WELONG 600d yarn was made from polyester fibers which can be woven together to develop a strong and sturdy product. This kind of yarn is usually utilized in outdoor gear like backpacks, tents, and even clothing. But it can also be properly used in many different ways.
One of the biggest advantages of using 600d Yarn that it's very good. This means gear and other items made with this sort of yarn are less prone to break or tear. It's also waterproof, creating it an excellent choice for outdoor gear should be able to withstand moisture and rain. Also, WELONG polyester yarn is resistant to abrasion, it means that it won't get used down easily. This makes it a choice great things will feel put frequently, like backpacks or luggage.
Innovation and security are two important factors to consider when materials which are choosing. With WELONG textile yarn, you receive both. The yarn is developed using manufacturing modern therefore the latest technologies in textile engineering. This ensures so it is reliable and safe. The high-quality fibers being used to create yarn non-toxic, so it's good for the environment as well as your health.
The most uses are typical WELONG 600d yarn is in outdoor gear. If you've ever gone hiking or camping, opportunities are you've used something made out of this type of yarn. But it's furthermore great for making bags, backpacks, and even clothing. To utilize polyester filament yarn you simply need to sew it into the design of your item. Unlike some other styles of materials, there's no treatment special preparation needed.
company was founded in 2004. It's a 600d yarnpolyester dyed yarn powered by non-dyeing technology. factory staff is highly skilled and experienced. They adept at solving technical issues and improving quality of product.
product range includes different colored polyester filaments (POY DTY, FDY and FDY, POY,) colored functional filaments (flame retardant, water-soluble, moisture-wicking moisture-wicking, etc. ) as well as customized colored polyester filaments (high gloss, mesh degree , elasticity, color, special shape) and over 500 categories more than 2,000 color varieties, among which 50D-600D product specifications 600d yarnby market.
company employs over 500 people. company has two production facilities (128 acres) 100 million-level production 600d yarn. It produces 100,000 tonnes polyester fiber each year. Huilong New Materials a firm believer carbon neutrality and has a provincial research center. has primarily focused on "environmentally-friendly fibers" research has introduced "new materials and technology" since its beginning.
have received honorary titles like "National High-tech Enterprise", Zhejiang 600d yarnEnterprise", Provincial Enterprise Technology Center" as well as "Huzhou Municipal Government Quality Award". We've received numerous international and domestic certifications including "OTS100", "Global Recyclable Standard (GRS4.0)", "Green Fiber Certification", "Made in Zhejiang"addition, to gradual growth of domestic textile market products also been exported to various other major markets around world, including North America, Europe and South Korea.
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